Daily Devotion: May 26

Psalm 107:1
“Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.”

God wants us to set aside time to think about the many blessings He’s given us.  How could we not thank Him for the gift of life, ours and those we love?  For our everyday provisions: food, water, shelter and clothing. And beyond this, the greatest gift of all; Everlasting Life.

It’s in God’s nature to only be good, there is no ill-will, no darkness in Him - He is the Light of the world and He desires to prosper us and not harm us, but to give us a hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:11). In the midst of difficult times, God is still good, He does not leave us nor forsake us.  He is always with us, close to us, sustaining us.  In His unfailing and enduring love is where we find comfort.  

When we begin to give thanks and acknowledge all that we are thankful for, the list  becomes endless.  I give thanks to God all the time for many things (as I’m sure you do as well).  However, when I intentionally give thanks and truly think about what I am thankful for, I see how God’s hand is in everything and it becomes something different.  It becomes an “aha” moment and a little overwhelming. It’s His love and His greatness - His goodness that is revealed.

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